Saturday, February 04, 2006


Most of us have discovered a few hindrances as we run the race of life. Some of us seem to have such great stamina that nothing slows us down. The rest of us need all the encouragement available. Sometimes our journey-fellows provide enough incentives to keep us on plodding onwards. My foot-racing days were never spectacular and, of course, are now so far in the distant past that even with embellishment they don’t make much of a story. However, I do remember the cheers from the sidelines which caused me to stay on track and to dig deep and put a little more pressure on the accelerator.
One week ago, a precious couple were snatched from this life via a tragic accident in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan. Uncle Ed and Aunt Helen are now in the grandstand, doing just what they have specialized in doing as a couple for 65 years, cheering us all on to run with perseverance the race marked out for us (Hebrews 12:1).
And if you don’t buy that picture, then be spurred on by their memory: hospitable, faithful, focused, honest, friendly …
Last June, Ellen and I enjoyed our last cup of tea with them and fortunately took this picture.