Sunday, July 10, 2005

Make Poverty History

"Make Poverty History" -- sounds exciting! And very gratiifying. Most everyone would be delighted if that aspiration were realized. "Most"; not "everyone". Do we assume that the elimination of poverty is compatible with the retention of luxury?

And, dare we suppose that there exists some simplistic solution? Gifts are delightful and refreshing, but handouts are often debilitating, and loans are down right enslaving.

Again, let’s remember that it is a lengthy, dwindling journey from the coffers of government to the hovels of the homeless of the massive mega cities of third world countries.

Perhaps this task parallels that of deposing a dictating and supposing that peace will be the direct result. Liberty—maybe; peace—far from it. If you need a current example, consider Iraq or just about any country which has “gained” or been “granted” its independence in the last 50 years.

Perhaps this whole endeavour is related to the follower-ship call of Jesus. If you want to be my follower you must put something down (SELF) and then pick something up (CROSS) – the burdens and misfortunes of others (Mark 8:34).

As long as we have sumptuous-ness, poverty will remain. As long as greed and avariciousness abound, oppression and hopelessness is a surety.

Blame the (our) government? Perhaps. Reform our own lifestyles? Change our value systems? Ouch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ray,
Your words spoke to me.
It has reminded me to be part of the solution and not the problem. I can complain and blame it on the government all I want, but until I give up my life for the least of these, then I have done nothing. Thanks for the reminder.