Monday, July 17, 2006


In the “good old” days, one of the delightful things about going and coming from India was the privilege to become acquainted with fellow-workers in various points along the way. On the way back to Canada in 1966, we connected with the Hendersons in Bangkok, the Reeves in Hong Kong, and the Betts and Smiths in Japan. Some pretty choice kingdom folk.

In June of 1968, Ellen and I returned to NE India, taking with us our close friends, Bob and Sharon Parker. We interrupted our flight from Vancouver to Calcutta by stopping in Taipei, Taiwan, for a couple days. Ellen and I stayed with the Mullinaxs while Bob and Sharon stayed with another young couple—Ed and Sharon Short. They were new to the field but were already immersed in learning the Mandarin language.

While in Nashville, three weeks ago, I contacted Kok Hai Tan (Western Christian College’s new college dean). On the phone he said, “I will be staying at Ed and Sharon’s, let’s meet there.” Well, I tried to help them remember me but to no avail! However, the reconnection was special. They are both fluent in Mandarin and working with a Christian radio station which beams the good news out of place like Alaska and Madagascar. Their faithfulness and focus is an definite encouragement for my journey.