Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Those 800 Numbers!

They call from everywhere and at the most inopportune times -- usually during family meals! Call Display is so helpful. Just let them ring it out! Or, the alternative is to answer is nasty tones.

The interruption is annoying. We live in a culture which hates interruptions. However, you might be surprised to discover that not all cultures are programmed to despise interruptions.

We might not appreciate telemarketing. We are not interested in what they have to offer. So ... I have a right to be nasty!

But we might stop and consider. The folks who work at those call centers are not likely working for big wages. Many of them are on minimum wages. Single parents ... trying to get by.

Sure, you don't want what they are offering, but how about blessing them with some kindness and courtesy? What would it cost you? What would it give them?

Something to consider, especially if you style yourself as a Christian!

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